Importance of studying At-Tawheed

Al-Haneefiyah is the religion of Ibraheem(عليه السلام)

Two meanings of Al-Haneefiyah

Know, may Allah direct you to obey Him, Al-Haneefiyyah, (1) the way of Ibraheem, is to worship Allah alone; making the Religion sincerely for Him.Allah has ordered everyone with this and He has created them because of it. Allah, the Most High, says: {I did not create jinn and mankind except to worship Me} [51:56]. The meaning of worship is to single Allah out with all worship

The meaning of worship is to single Allah out with all worship. (2) The greatest matter which Allah has ordered with is Tawheed; which is to single out Allah with all worship. The most severe matter which He forbade is shirk; which is to invoke others along with Him or besides Him. The proof is His saying, the Most High: {Worship Allah and do not associate anything with Him} [04:36]