"Knowledge precedes speech and actions"

Al-Usul Al-Thalath ( 3 Fundamental Principles )

Tahweed -> Belief in One God -> Monotheism.

Tawheed: Tawhid is the indivisible oneness concept of monotheism in Islam.


  1. Why do we study tawheed?
  2. Why are we studying this book?
  3. What are the 3 fundamental principles?
  4. What are the fruits/benefits of this book?
  5. How is this book structured?


Why do we study tawheed?

Why are we studying this book?

What are the 3 fundamental principles?

What are the fruits/benefits of this book?

Studying this book `3 fundamental principles` and acting upon it will benefit the reader in mulitple ways and the most important is that InshaAllah it will enable them to be able to answer the questions of the grave Bi'iznillah.

How is this book structured?

The book is structured into 5 sections

  1. 4 Obligations From Suratul Al-Asr
  2. 3 Points Regarding Tawheed
  3. The Importance Of Studying Tawheed
  4. The 3 Fundamental Principles
  5. Conclusion/Ending
go to Lesson 2 (knowledge of 4)